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Friday, 15 July 2011


  1. Becoming a Muslim after becoming convinced is opening a plain page in your deed record.
  2. Whatever bad deeds you have committed before, Allah will forgive because of your embracing Islam.
  3. Becoming a Muslim is like starting a new life.
  4. You have to grow and develop in Islam. How can you do so? By the following:

Firstly: Increasing your knowledge of Islam, through:
    1. Reading the Qur’anic text.
    2. Reading some interpretations of the Qur’an.
    3. Reading Traditions (Sayings) of Prophet Muhammad, ‘Alayhis-salatu was-salamu).
    4. Reading the biography of Prophet Muhammad –‘Alayhis-salatu was-salamu).
    5. Reading the biographies of the great Muslim figures among our righteous fore-Muslims who propagated Islam and proclaimed it to mankind.
    6. Attending Jumu‘ah (Friday) congregational prayer, listening to its Khutbah (sermon) and praying with Muslims.
    7. Attending the two ‘Eid (holiday) prayers.
    8. Performing the five daily prayers in congregation at the mosque whenever you are able to do so.
    9. Attending Islamic religious, teaching sessions.
    10. Contacting scholars, shaikhs, mosque imams (leaders) and preachers, introducing yourself to them and asking them about any Islamic matter you need to know. They are always happy to provide you with the required clarification.
    11. Having one or more friends of good Muslims who are fairly knowledgeable about Islam to be your permanent reliable reference.
    12. Read as much as you can of the basic sources of Islam (The Qur’an and As-Sunnah) and of the authentic and trustworthy writings about Islam to understand it more.
    13. You will learn a lot about the laws and systems of Islam related to worship, family structure, life activities, manners, economic and public affairs.
    14. You will know the ideology of Islam and its view in regard to creation, the universe, man, and life.
    15. Islam is not rituals or morals only, it is in fact a comprehensive system for society, a constitution for the state and a way of life.

Secondly: Doing good deeds as much as you can:
    1. Try to do good deeds more than the five basic duties mentioned before, such as:
    2. Performing voluntary prayers, in addition to the compulsory five daily prayers.
    3. Helping the poor and the needy by extra charity in addition to Zakat, or by assisting them in carrying out their necessary difficult duties.
    4. Fasting a day or more other than in Ramadan.
    5. Taking part in useful social projects aimed at reforming Muslim Society.
    6. Inviting others to embrace Islam.

  1. Becoming a Muslim means that you have achieved a lot of good for yourself.
  2. It is like owning a valuable treasure.
  3. The owner of a treasure will have many enemies who strive to take his treasure away from him.
  4. And you have gained the treasure of Islam.
  5. Some people will try to drive you away from your Deen (Religion).
  6. Those people are the foes of Allah.
  7. The foes of Allah are devils whether from among Jinn (whom we do not see) or from among human beings.
  8. Human devils may try to mock at you.
  9. Or, they may try to persuade you by money so that you may turn back from your Religion.
  10. They may accuse Islam of many things, or cloud your mind with some misconceptions.
  11. You have to know that Allah has said in the Qur’an “And no question do they bring to you but We reveal to you the truth and the best explanation” (The Qur’an 25:33).
  12. So, consult Muslim scholars about what Allah has revealed in the Qur’an to answer such misconceptions.
  13. As for Jinn devils they whisper into your heart. “Would you desert your fathers’ and forefathers’ religion, and follow a different one?”
  14. Would you follow a religion that tasks you with prayers, fasting and giving others your property? And that deprives you from wine… etc.”
  15. In fact, many people grow up, and find themselves traditionally following and honoring their parents’ religions and beliefs.
  16. All followers of true, or false religions are like that, but the problem is: which of these religions is the true one and which is the false?
  17. Surely, Islam is the only Deen (Religion) which is pure and free from all types of superstitions, polytheism and paganism.
  18. It is the Deen of pure Monotheism.
  19. When you feel these whispers of Jinn devils, recite:
  20. Rabbi ’a‘uthu bika min hamazatish-Shayateen, Wa ‘a’udhu bika rabbi ‘an yahduroon (The Qur’an 23:97-98) “O my Lord ! I seek refuge with you from the suggestions of the Evil Ones. And I seek refuge with You, O my Lord!, lest they should come near me”.
  21. And recite also the chapters Al-Falaq and An-Nas of the Quran. These are included in Appendix (I) with transliteration.